Let’s work together.
You deserve
Understanding of risk factors related to Flat Head
Real strategies to prevent head flattening from occurring or worsening that will work for YOU & your family (It’s not as simple as adding in more Tummy Time or turning their head the other way - that never works.)
Information about the natural progression of Flat Head & realistic options if your baby has developed flattening
Answers to all of your baby head shape questions & peace of mind from a baby development professional
ALL Sessions include
Sixty minutes* of one-on-one support from a licensed Pediatric Physical Therapist and (& a Mom who "gets it"). Together, we will address any areas of your concern. *Virtual Sessions are thirty-forty minutes.
A follow-up email with a summary of personalized strategies discussed in your session along with a digital download of Flat Head Prevention & Early Correction (PDF guide)
Ongoing access to Sarah via email or text (for up to 60 days post-session) for continued support to ensure success
A follow up 15 minute virtual “Check-In” scheduled ~7-10 days after your Initial Consultation to discuss any challenges, monitor progress & make sure you’re getting comfortable with your baby’s program.
Screening for Torticollis or other movement/body asymmetries that may be contributing to head flattening.
If your child may benefit from a formal physical therapy evaluation & possible treatment, that information will be provided during your session & you will be directed towards an appropriate plan of action.
Fill out this form & let’s get started!
**Must be within 30 minutes or 25 miles of Middletown, DE (Delaware only) to schedule an in-home session. Depending on the day & time of your session, there may be some flexibility for clients slightly outside of this geographical area, specifically if you live in & around Wilmington. Please reach out to Sarah via email regarding scheduling if you are unsure your location can be accommodated for an in-home session.