It’s finally here.
Flat Head Prevention & Early Correction Consultations
Head flattening is extremely common these days. This is not your fault as the parent. Many, many factors contribute to head flattening & while it can’t always be completely prevented, there are some simple steps you can take at home to help your baby grow a more rounder noggin. The goal is to implement these strategies from the very beginning, identify risk factors, observe any flattening (if it occurs) as soon as it’s noticeable & quickly determine what to do next. Early education is key in prevention & critical to achieve the quickest, most noticeable change in your baby’s head shape without a helmet should flattening occur. This truly is a very time sensitive matter.
A Flat Head Prevention & Early Correction Consultation will help you navigate all things related to your baby’s head shape. Were you told to just turn your baby’s head the other way or do more Tummy Time? Unfortunately these strategies alone don’t work to prevent head flattening or to correct it. It takes an in-depth understanding of the risk factors & an individualized routine to be successful in preventing & minimizing Flat Head.
If you feel like you’ve missed the window of early preventative or corrective care & are feeling agonized by the “to helmet or not to helmet” dilemma, let me talk you through everything to consider when making such a personal decision for your family.
Learn how to prevent head flattening & get started with early correction.
(In-home & virtual consults available)